Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Lists. I have them. Everywhere, in fact. In my head, on half-sheets of the smallest-made, neon pink sticky notes, on recycled paper (bills, envelopes, mailers, etc.), on my PDA (okay--2 PDAs [/squirm]), in my backpack, on the refrigerator (although I managed to avoid that spot for years, as it looks messy and confuses my already-cluttered brain), by the bathroom sink, in the car (glove box, center console, backseat caddy, under the floor mat, etc.), in suitcases, in briefcases, in a paper day timer, on 2 calendars, in multiple (long-lost) diaries, in organized computer files (sorted by various sub-subjects, in forms, databases/spreadsheets, and "standard" note form [OCD much?]), in Outlook TM, and, yes, even in my shower (laminated, hole-punched study cards [and/or lists. {obviously}]), hanging on a hook, and sometimes dangling from a shower caddy)!

There are probably some places I have not recalled. Anyway....

I have a task list. A Master Task List. One of the MOTHER of ALL task lists. You know the one: it has long term and short term goals (as they do tend rather to mesh, don't they [esp. as tomorrow becomes today]?). That same list that you rewrite and spend hours on Sunday processing stuff like "Yeah! I really DO want to work a summer in a cockroach clothing factory in Na-nupp TM someday."

Someday. A powerful word. Ominous and vague....and hopeful. A word that allows us to dream, while not fully committing to anything. NOT that I have commitment issues (not that I don't). Let's get that straight from the get-go (genesis).

I just can't seem to decide what to do because I have far too many interests (passions, even) and only one lifetime. OH! And there's that attention span issue. Right.

Well, someday I'm going to start blogging. I may only do it for one day. I may do it for years and become famous and publish a book of blogs or poetry or compositions or odd reviews or short stories or photography or art or, or, or. And I'll
have a book signing, and it'll be in Na-nupp TM! And you'll all be invited!

Well, I'm rejoicing at this very moment because, after about 8 years, this one particular "someday" became TODAY!

This is my blahg.

And this, my friends, is your brain on h2.

Welcome to my world.

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