Saturday, July 4, 2009

Holeness Where the Heart Is: Home Is Where Your Start Is

J.H. Payne said that there's no place like home. T.S. Eliot stated that home is where one starts. Peoples of many nations risk their lives and abandon their native land and family for precisely that--a new start--a place called home.

They come by the thousands; they come hoping to attain stability for their children's children; they come earnestly searching freedom. Humbly, they come to America--sweet land of liberty.

What do those seeking to partake of this country's great privileges find upon their arrival? Rather than wholeness, they discover a fragmented, lost nation. Ironically, they find that we
too are searching for a place to call home.

What happened? I believe we have forgotten out humble beginnings, and we have lost perspective.

We have neglected to hold true to the values upon which this country was founded: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Naturally, we remembered the
happiness portion, but we were so busy with this pursuit that we forgot the true source of contentment and why/for whom we pursue this happiness. We determined that stability would bring contentment, and we somehow became convinced that money was the key to stability. Our initially virtuous mission, intended to provide solid foundations for future generations was surreptitiously replaced by an incessant pursuance of money. Whereas the "American way" formerly referred to purity and simplicity, it now represents greed.

Unfortunately, while everyone was busy chasing this evasive euphoria, the country's family structure crumbled, and our dear children were carelessly left behind. Our nation's youth, in their fervent quest for a place called home, have taken upon their shoulders a momentous burden: they too have decided to start over; they have begun to start families of their own.

Now what? Restoration work must begin. It's time to rebuild America. Our great country was pioneered by separatists--people devoted to the concept of freedom. Since our humble genesis, our country has maintained a firm resolution to preserve an identity separate from that of the "rest" of the world--a heritage bequeathed us by our founding fathers.

We must spend more time instilling values in our children and less time pursuing monetary security. We must give our youth something besides a baby to hold; tell them of their wonderful familial heritage; restore to them their identity; and give to them their birthright of patriotism. We must spend less time memorizing state capitals and talking of cherry trees. It's time to teach our youth the price our ancestors paid for our freedom.

It is said that nothing in life is free--everything has a price. Our country was founded at an enormous price, but its cost was not intended to include our families.

So, where should we start? How about with our name:
The United States of America.

America, America,
God Shed His grace on thee
And crowned thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.

Let's set down our weapons and implement the "unite" part. We must remember the mold from which we are cast. Perhaps we could teach our children by example: less "attitude" and more gratitude.

1997 essay
copyright 2009

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