Saturday, July 4, 2009


Well, it's the 4th of July, and I just woke up to the sound of a military jet flying overhead.

I'm not sure if that should be considered
festive, reassuring, or.....ominous (esp. considering our little "friends" in North Korea), but, well, for now, I suppose I should focus on enjoying my independence for the day, and put "worry about North Korea and bombs another day" on my Master Task List.

Imagine a world in which we all spent time alone for
Independence Day. We could go to a park or a body of water, set-up "camp" and drink our beverage of choice. All together, independently! We could fire up the grill and uhmm....I don't know, shoot off missiles!....OH, wait...right. (So nice of them to care about our holiday and express it with such verve, though, isn't it? [nationalism versus patriotism {Chauvinistic much? (I forewarned of the nested parenthetical phrases, and now you get the self-talk as well [bonus!]}]....and, yes, Jingoistic!)

Anyway, back to my simple rambling about my today.

I'm single. Today. So, today I'll read my email. Alone. I'll check on the latest news on the web....alone....and discuss it...alone. Who knows--this may be my last
independent Independence Day, after all, so I should be certain to enjoy it.

On Monday I'll be with my wild partner again. We'll be a duo. I'll be
UNalone and sort of UNindependent (although he'll be in dependence, as he is who he is). We have grand plans to go on a day drive to Rocky Mountain National Park. Others will be leaving from their holiday weekend festivities (that were UNindependent, mostly, would be my guess), so we'll be going against the grain of traffic (does traffic have a grain?....hmm...), like salmon swimming upstream. Mmmmm.....salmon......

By Wednesday I'll be exhausted and ready to be independent again...which will happen the following Monday.

I digress. This is about
today. Today I am independently writing and reading and drinking water and basking in the sounds of silence (minus, of course, the aforementioned military jet sounds). And I'm considering important things like java (the drink, not the script or language...or hut...wait that's Jabba and hutt....).

Maybe I'll grill some wild salmon and put a firecracker in it! Oh! Wait! I have no fish!

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